GENPAR, or the Gender in Infectious Disease Epidemic Preparedness And Response Toolkit, is a set of benchmarks and tools to integrate gender into select core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. GENPAR provides a set of actions (WHAT to do) as well as a range of tools (HOW to do it) to achieve each benchmark in integrating gender into the preparedness and response capacities covered by the toolkit. Using GENPAR, gender can be integrated into selected capacities step-by-step.
CARE’s Gender Marker is a self-assessment program quality and learning tool. It measures the integration of gender into programming along the CARE Gender Continuum from harmful to transformative. The Gender Marker enables CARE to track, improve on, and support more effective, gender integrated programming. The Gender Marker is designed to be used in combination with Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability systems to help teams reflect on the integration of gender in order to learn from and improve the gendered approach of their work.
The Compendium of Gender Scales contains scales used to assess gender-related attitudes and beliefs. Scales selectedfor the compendium have all been tested for their ability to measure gender attitudes and predict behaviors of interest, such as gender-based violence and partner reduction. Scales selected for the compendium have all been tested for their ability to measure gender attitudes and predict behaviors of interest, such as gender-based violence and partner reduction.
The Toolkit guides policy makers in implementing the GEPL Recommendation, helping them design gender-sensitive public policies and services and enable women’s equal access to public decision making. The toolkit is design around four pillars: Institutional and governance frameworks for gender equality and mainstreaming; Gender-sensitive practices in parliaments; Gender-sensitive public employment systems; and Gender-sensitive practices in the judiciary. Each pillar of the Toolkit contains a self-assessment tool allowing policy makers in different areas to analyse their specific country and work contexts and identify gaps, weaknesses and strengths.
This toolkit provides practical guidance to support gender analysis and the integration of gender considerations into UNICEF programming, with intent. This toolkit addresses key questions such as: How can we make our analysis sharper in order to uncover gender barriers? What can we do to unblock systems bottlenecks and drive gender-responsive and gender transformative programming? What is needed to promote gender inequality as well as women and girls’ empowerment? How do UNICEF systems support measuring our programming, documenting our results and enable us to express a compelling storyline?
This toolkit is a step towards strengthening the institutional and individual capacity to undertake gender mainstreaming in UNICEF’s programmes and to advance policy commitments on gender equality. This toolkit provides practical guidance to assist UNICEF staff to effectively integrate gender into all aspects of their work and all stages of the programme cycle. The empowerment of women and girls is most effective if gender is a primary focus of all interventions – starting with assessment, analysis and design phases and through to implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
This checklist is an assessment tool to determine the extent to which gender equality is considered in a programme’s design, implementation and scale-up. Itt provides practical guidance and tools to understand the influence of gender inequality on sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (SRMNCAH), and how to effectively integrate gender equality into programming. The guide will: Help users to explore how and why gender inequality is a key determinant of SRMNCAH; teach users about types of interventions to address gender inequalities; show users how to identify actions to support human-rights-based and gender-responsive interventions.
Save the Children’s Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance is an essential tool to identify, understand, and address discrimination and inequalities that prevent children, their families, and communities from claiming their full and equal rights. It supports the design and adaptation of programming that positively transforms unequal power relations and ensures all stakeholders can equitably access, participate in, be decision makers for, and benefit from activities. It enables evidence-based programming and advocacy that advance gender equality and social justice.
This tool allows you to do conduct a gender service delivery quality assessment. It includes a checklist against different performance standards.
The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Quality Assurance (QA) Tool offers health care providers, facilities, and program planners a straightforward way to start, strengthen or expand post-GBV health services through the use of 28 evidence-based standards. The tool was originally developed by Jhpiego Mozambique with providers and program planners, and has been adapted, piloted and refined in several low and middle-income countries. The standards are organized by different aspects of service delivery (e.g., facility readiness, clinical care, etc.).