GENPAR, or the Gender in Infectious Disease Epidemic Preparedness And Response Toolkit, is a set of benchmarks and tools to integrate gender into select core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. GENPAR provides a set of actions (WHAT to do) as well as a range of tools (HOW to do it) to achieve each benchmark in integrating gender into the preparedness and response capacities covered by the toolkit. Using GENPAR, gender can be integrated into selected capacities step-by-step.
The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Quality Assurance (QA) Tool offers health care providers, facilities, and program planners a straightforward way to start, strengthen or expand post-GBV health services through the use of 28 evidence-based standards. The tool was originally developed by Jhpiego Mozambique with providers and program planners, and has been adapted, piloted and refined in several low and middle-income countries. The standards are organized by different aspects of service delivery (e.g., facility readiness, clinical care, etc.).
This tool was designed to measure the gender-sensitivity of Afghan health facilities, and data are intended to be collected across all facilities annually. This tool will benefit the country’s healthcare system and enhance the measurement of gender sensitivity in health facilities, But can be applied to other contexts as well.