This training manual is designed to be used by staff members of organizations or companies within traditionally male-dominated industries, with a particular focus on organizations participating in USAID’s Engendering Industries program. It could also be used and/or adapted by gender equality organizations wishing to train facilitators on engaging men for gender equality. It could also be delivered as a direct training by gender equality facilitators in a workplace setting. It is designed to support the delivery of gender-transformative group education processes to men and women.
The facilitated self-assessment guide provides the opportunity to discuss and reflect on current strengths and how to improve processes that drive positive change in GESI through your projects and organisation. The guide supports individual and collective reflective practice among staff on the extent and quality of gender equality and social inclusion work in their WASH projects and organisation, and it designed for anyone working on WASH implementation or research projects that wants to improve (GESI) practice.
The tool was originally developed by Jhpiego Mozambique with providers and program planners, and has been adapted, piloted and refined in several low and middle-income countries. The standards are organized by different aspects of service delivery (e.g., facility readiness, clinical care, etc.). The toolkit aims to provide participants with knowledge and skills to provide high-quality, gender-sensitive, and transformative services to individuals and couples including females, males, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) clients.
The toolkit reflects numerous calls to action for equitable representation of women in global health decision-making. The strategies shared in the toolkit’s modules apply an intersectional lens and complement existing leadership curricula, providing tools to health care workers and managers to advance gender equality. The approach is particularly relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it can also be used long-term to spur greater inclusion of women’s voices in global health.
This tool equips the user with the tools for ‘gender gardening’ inorder to detect where and why gender inequalities occur and to assist you in developing adequate and approriate interventions. It takes a gender perspective to achieving health equity and provides evidence to show how biological factors interact with gender norms, roles and relations (or socio-cultural factors) to affect the health of women and men and that of their communities.